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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
22 Articles
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
22 Articles
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Home Page Viewing Tile Control
Homepage Viewing Tile Control The Homepage of Steelhead has been upgraded! With the new update some changes have been made to how Homepage tiles are displayed. Instead of a hide and unhide icon, each tile is now controlled by a permission. If the ...
Part Status
Active parts are instances of Part Numbers that are on a Work Order and being worked on. They may be anywhere in a Process , from Receiving to Invoicing . Parts become Complete when work has finished; they have been shipped or picked up, a...
Adding or Removing Parts from a Work Order
Adding More Parts to a Work Order You can add more Parts to your Work Order from the work order screen. Choose the work order that you want to adjust. Click on the "Add New Parts" button. Choose the quanity that you want to add. T...
Allow Customers to View Work Orders
Customers can be optionally associated with a Work Order . All Work Orders associated with a customer are visible in the Customer Portal . You may choose to allow customers to see limited details about any active Work Orders they may h...
Assigning Work Orders to Customers
You can assign Work Orders to specific customers . This allows you to: See all work orders associated with a specific customer. Provide customers with limited access to active work order details. See here for a complete guide on a...
Managing Inventory Manually
Adding Inventory Item Batches When you buy more Inventory , you can increase the quanity of your inventory in Steelhead by adding a batch. Each Inventory item can have multiple batches, and each batch can have multiple containers. Go to the ...
Processes vs. Recipes
Processes and Recipes in Steelhead are related, but there are some important differences in how they are used by the Steelhead software. It can be helpful to think of a process as a generalized blueprint, while a recipe is an exact set of inst...
Unpriced Parts Compared to Zero Dollar Parts
Unpriced Parts Compared to Zero Dollar Parts There is a key difference between a Sales Order Line Item with no pricing defined and with $0.00 as the line rate. Unpriced lines simply mean that the price has not yet been determined, and it wil...
User Permissions
Assigning Permissions to Users from the Users Page This page is a general overview of managing permissions. For information on what specific access each privilege grants, see Basic Permissions for what appears on the User Table view, Feature A...
Voiding and Adjusting Invoices
For auditing and accounting purposes, Steelhead does not allow invoices to be edited after they have been sent to customers . If an invoice sent to a customer contains an error, the invoice should be voided and a new one created. Vo...
Work Orders vs Sales Orders
Work Orders are different from Sales Orders . Work Orders document particular tasks that must be completed in order to complete a Sales Order. They include processing information. Sales Orders are records of Purchase Orders placed to your c...
Invoices Syncing to Accounting With a Date of 01.01.1970
A: This message indicates that the invoice was created in your accounting software without a due date. One possible cause for this is that when the invoice was created in Steelhead, a due date was not set. 01.01.1970 is a generic default due date ...
Creating Packing Slips for Racked Parts
A: Packing Slips and Bills of Lading can not be created for racked parts because parts must be unracked before they can be packaged and shipped. To make sure that parts are being processed properly, it is necessary to unrack parts first. To unra...
Part Transfers Cannot Be Deleted
A: If a part is in a station that has an auto start timer set up, deleting the part transfer is restricted because there is billed time attached to that part transfer. To delete the part transfer, first delete the billed time, and then you will be a...
Time Sheet Graph Displays Starting Times Earlier or Later than Business Hours
A: Timers are attached to part transfers out of a station , rather than the times that the parts were transferred in. If you transfer parts into a station on Thursday at 3pm, pause the timer at 5pm, and then resume that timer on Friday from 7am t...
Customers Created in Steelhead Syncing to Accounting
A: Customers in Steelhead sync to accounting software when they are invoiced. If a customer is created in Steelhead, and that customer does not already exist in accounting, the customer will not be created in the accounting software until they a...
Adjusting Part Quantities on Quotes
A: There are 2 quote types: 'TOTAL PRICE' and 'UNIT PRICE'. A 'UNIT PRICE' quote is designed for parts that will be run many times, at a flat rate for every time that part goes through the shop. 'TOTAL PRICE' quotes are the standard. Total pri...
Packing Slip Number on Invoice Description is Different From Packing Slip Number
A: When a Packing Slip is combined with another, the Master Packing Slip number shows up in the 'Description' on Invoices . However, you may only link the Packing Slip item to its original Packing Slip number. The description Packing Slip numbe...
How to Create and Apply a Spec
How to Create a Spec Specs are created in the "Specs" tile on the Homepage of Steelhead. To create a spec, go to this tile and press "New Spec". A new spec can also be created by copying an existing spec. Steelhead specs can also track revisio...
Moving Parts to a new Work Order
Part Work Order Reassignment To move parts from one Work Order to another, go to the Sales Order and locate the parts that need to be assigned a new Work Order. Click on the +/- button next to the parts on the Work Order that you want to mov...
User Accounts and Passwords
Login to your Account Go to to log in to your account. Use your email and password to login OR Use your PIN if it has been enabled for the device Setting a Password Create a password that can...
Tax Rates
Tax Rates Tax rates are percentages of paid sums that are calculated as tax. Tax rates can vary by jurisdiction such as nation, state, or city, and can also differ by the type of product being sold. They may be combined or excluded. To reach you...